Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Bearsuit @ The Buffalo Bar

27th July 2007
Clap clap clap whistle whistle whistle. Add a healthy dose of "i have no idea what chords they are playing" guitars, a flask full of "makes me wanna stomp my foot and dance" drums, keys, lotsa keys in the form of keyboards, keytars, those flute-keyboard things and a pinch of flute.
Not quite the DIY band but more than enough layered instrumentals to create a dance chaos while sounding simple and subdued at the same time.
How is this possible? Ask the Norwich band Bearsuit. Or better go catch them live in support of their upcoming new single More Soul Than Wigan Casino in August and album titled OH:IO (both released on Fantastic Plastic) in September.
As witnessed on this Fortuna Pop night, their music and live performance will make you wave your arms in all directions and if you end up in one of their future gigs and if anyone gives you the weird look for the uncontrollable body jerkin, make sure to deck them and blame it to the band. Don't forget to fall for the charms of Itsuke Got Married once again and do a sexy dance for the new song Foxy Boxer.

Check out Bearsuit's Official website and Myspace for news and tour dates
Also check out Fantastic Plastic, Fortuna Pop Records
More photos from the Buffalo Bar is on YouNeedToSeeThese

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.